

We have selected a publicly available dataset from GEO with accession number GSE179590 which can be downloaded here. You can download the zipped data using wget or curl, e.g. wget, and then unpack using tar -xvf crmetrics_testdata.tar.gz

Using Python modules

CRMetrics utilizes several Python packages. Of these, the packages for doublet detection, scrublet and DoubletDetection, can be run from R using reticulate. However, CRMetrics can provide a Python script to run the analyses directly in Python instead through the export parameter.

In order to run the analyses in R, first you should install reticulate:


Also, you need to install Conda. Then, you are ready to create a Conda virtual environment. In this example, we’re on a server and we load miniconda using modules. You may need to include the conda parameter to point to wherever your Conda binary is located (in terminal, try whereis conda). In this example, we install a virtual environment for scrublet.

             conda = "/opt/software/miniconda/4.12.0/condabin/conda", 
             python_version = 3.8)

There is a known problem with openBLAS which may be different between R and Python. If this is the case, you will receive the error floating point exception and R will crash when you try to run a Python script using reticulate. In Python, the problem lies within numpy. numba requires numpy < 1.23, so force reinstall from scratch with no binaries in the scrublet Conda environment from terminal module load miniconda/4.12.0 conda activate scrublet python -m pip install numpy==1.22.0 --force-reinstall --no-binary numpy

Then, follow the instructions to install scrublet. Finally, restart your R session.

Please note, if at any point you receive an error that you can’t change the current Python instance, please remove any Python-dependent object in your environment and restart your R session.

Main use

Load the library


There are two ways to initialize a new object of class CRMetrics, either by providing data.path or cms. data.path is the path to a directory containing sample-wise directories with the Cell Ranger count outputs. Optionally, it can be a vector of multiple paths. cms is a (named, optional) list of (sparse, optional) count matrices.

Please note, if data.path is not provided, some functionality is lost, e.g. ambient RNA removal.

Optionally, metadata can be provided, either as a file or as a data.frame. For a file, the separator can be set with the parameter sep.meta (most often, either , (comma) or \t (tab) is used). In either format, the columns must be named and one column must be named sample and contain sample names. In combination with data.path, the sample names must match the sample directory names. Unmatched directory names are dropped.

If cms is provided, it is recommended to add summary metrices afterwards:

crm <- CRMetrics$new(cms = cms, 
                     n.cores = 10, 
                     pal = grDevices::rainbow(8),
                     theme = ggplot2::theme_bw())

Please note, some functionality depends on aggregation of sample and cell IDs using the sep.cell parameter. The default is !! which creates cell names in the format of <sampleID>!!<cellID>. If another separator is used, this needs to be provided in relevant function calls.

Here, the folder with our test data is stored in /data/ExtData/CRMetrics_testdata/ and we provide metadata in a comma-separated file.

crm <- CRMetrics$new(data.path = "/data/ExtData/CRMetrics_testdata/", 
                     metadata = "/data/ExtData/CRMetrics_testdata/metadata.csv", 
                     sep.meta = ",",
                     n.cores = 10,
                     verbose = FALSE,
                     pal = grDevices::rainbow(8),
                     theme = ggplot2::theme_bw())

We can review our metadata

##        sample age    sex type    RIN
## 1 SRR15054421  43   male RRMS medium
## 2 SRR15054422  57   male RRMS   high
## 3 SRR15054423  52   male SPMS   high
## 4 SRR15054424  66 female SPMS medium
## 5 SRR15054425  50 female SPMS   high
## 6 SRR15054426  58 female RRMS   high
## 7 SRR15054427  56 female SPMS    low
## 8 SRR15054428  61   male SPMS   high

Plot summary statistics

We can investigate which metrics are available and choose the ones we would like to plot

##    no                                        metrics
## 1   1                      estimated number of cells
## 2   2                            mean reads per cell
## 3   3                          median genes per cell
## 4   4                                number of reads
## 5   5                                 valid barcodes
## 6   6                          sequencing saturation
## 7   7                           q30 bases in barcode
## 8   8                          q30 bases in rna read
## 9   9                               q30 bases in umi
## 10 10                         reads mapped to genome
## 11 11             reads mapped confidently to genome
## 12 12 reads mapped confidently to intergenic regions
## 13 13   reads mapped confidently to intronic regions
## 14 14     reads mapped confidently to exonic regions
## 15 15      reads mapped confidently to transcriptome
## 16 16                 reads mapped antisense to gene
## 17 17                        fraction reads in cells
## 18 18                           total genes detected
## 19 19                     median umi counts per cell

Samples per condition

First, we can plot the number of samples per condition. Here, we investigate how the distribution of the sex differs between the type of MS of the samples where RRMS is short for relapsing remitting MS, and SPMS is short for secondary progressive MS.

crm$plotSummaryMetrics( = "sex", 
                       metrics = "samples per group", 
              = "type",
                       plot.geom = "bar")

Metrics per sample

In one plot, we can illustrate selected metric summary stats. If no comparison group is set, it defaults to sample. <- crm$selectMetrics(ids = c(1:4,6,18,19))
crm$plotSummaryMetrics( = "sample",
                       metrics =, 
                       plot.geom = "bar")

Metrics per condition

We can do the same, but set the comparison group to type. This will add statistics to the plots. Additionally, we can add a second comparison group for coloring.

crm$plotSummaryMetrics( = "type",
                       metrics =, 
                       plot.geom = "point", 
                       stat.test = "non-parametric",
              = "sex")

Metrics per condition with >2 levels

For the sake of the example, we change the RIN values to low (RIN<6), medium (6<RIN<7), and high (RIN>7). This will provide us with three comparisons groups to exemplify how to use automated statistics for such situations.

crm$metadata$RIN %<>% 
  as.character() %>% 
  {c("medium","high","high","medium","high","high","low","high")} %>% 
  factor(., levels = c("low", "medium", "high"))

crm$plotSummaryMetrics( = "RIN",
                       metrics =, 
                       plot.geom = "point", 
                       stat.test = "non-parametric",
              = "type", 
                       secondary.testing = TRUE)

Metrics per condition with numeric covariate

We can choose a numeric comparison group, in this case age, which will add regression lines to the plots.

crm$plotSummaryMetrics( = "age",
                       metrics =, 
                       plot.geom = "point",
              = "type",
                       se = FALSE)

If the numeric vector has a significant effect on one of the metrics we can investigate it closer by performing regression analyses for both conditions of type.

crm$plotSummaryMetrics( = "age",
                       metrics = "mean reads per cell", 
                       plot.geom = "point",
              = "type", 
                       group.reg.lines = TRUE)

We see that there is no significant effect of the numeric vector on neither of the MS types.

Add detailed metrics

We can read in count matrices to assess detailed metrics. Otherwise, if count matrices have already been added earlier, this step prepares data for plotting UMI and gene counts.

crm$addCms(add.metadata = FALSE)

We plot the detailed metrics. The horizontal lines indicates the median values for all samples. <- crm$detailed.metrics$metric %>%
crm$plotDetailedMetrics( = "type",
                        metrics =, 
                        plot.geom = "violin")

Embed cells using Conos

In order to plot our cells in our embedding, we need to perform preprocessing of the raw count matrices. To do this, either pagoda2 (default) or Seurat can be used.


Then, we create the embedding using conos.


We can now plot our cells.


Cell depth

We can plot cell depth, both in the embedding or as histograms per sample.

crm$plotEmbedding(depth = TRUE, 
             depth.cutoff = 1e3)


We can see that the depth distribution varies between samples. We can create a cutoff vector specifying the depth cutoff per sample. It should be a named vector containing sample names.

depth_cutoff_vec <- c(2.5e3, 2e3, 1e3, 1.5e3, 1.5e3, 2e3, 2.5e3, 2e3) %>% 
  setNames(crm$detailed.metrics$sample %>% 
             unique() %>% 

## SRR15054421 SRR15054422 SRR15054423 SRR15054424 SRR15054425 SRR15054426 
##        2500        2000        1000        1500        1500        2000 
## SRR15054427 SRR15054428 
##        2500        2000

Let’s plot the updated cutoffs:

crm$plotDepth(cutoff = depth_cutoff_vec)

Also, we can do this in the embedding:

crm$plotEmbedding(depth = TRUE, 
             depth.cutoff = depth_cutoff_vec)

Mitochondrial fraction

We can also investigate the mitochondrial fraction in our cells

crm$plotEmbedding(mito.frac = TRUE, 
             mito.cutoff = 0.05, 
             species = "human")

Similar as for depth, we can plot the distribution of the mitochondrial fraction per sample and include sample-wise cutoffs (not shown here).

crm$plotMitoFraction(cutoff = 0.05)

Remove ambient RNA

We have added functionality to remove ambient RNA from our samples. This approach should be used with caution since it induces changes to the UMI counts (NB: it does not overwrite the outputs from Cell Ranger). We have included preparative steps for CellBender as well as incorporated SoupX into CRMetrics.



To install, follow these instructions. It is highly recommended to run CellBender using GPU acceleration. If you are more comfortable installing through reticulate in R, these lines should be run:

             conda = "/opt/software/miniconda/4.12.0/condabin/conda", 
             python_version = 3.7)
              conda = "/opt/software/miniconda/4.12.0/condabin/conda", 
              forge = FALSE, 
              channel = "anaconda", 
              packages = "pytables")
              conda = "/opt/software/miniconda/4.12.0/condabin/conda", 
              packages = c("pytorch","torchvision","torchaudio"),
              channel = "pytorch")

Then, clone the CellBender repository as instructed in the manual. Here, we clone to /apps/ through cd /apps/; git clone and then CellBender can be installed:

              conda = "/opt/software/miniconda/4.12.0/condabin/conda", 
              pip = TRUE, 
              pip_options = "-e", 
              packages = "/apps/CellBender/")


For CellBender, we need to specify expected number of cells and total droplets included (please see the manual for additional information). As hinted in the manual, the number of total droplets included could be expected number of cells multiplied by 3 (which we set as default). First, we plot these measures:


We could change the total droplets included for any sample. Let us first look at the vector.

droplets <- crm$getTotalDroplets()
## SRR15054421 SRR15054422 SRR15054423 SRR15054424 SRR15054425 SRR15054426 
##       16212       17652       19728       20931       14322       13044 
## SRR15054427 SRR15054428 
##       16842       16620

Then we change the total droplets for SRR15054424.

droplets["SRR15054424"] <- 2e4

We plot this change.

crm$prepareCellbender(shrinkage = 100, 
                      show.expected.cells = TRUE, 
             = TRUE, 
                      total.droplets = droplets)

We could also multiply expected cells by 2.5 for all samples and save this in our CRMetrics object.

crm$cellbender$total.droplets <- crm$getTotalDroplets(multiplier = 2.5)

Finally, we save a script for running CellBender on all our samples. To only select specific samples, use the samples parameter. Here, we use our modified total droplet vector. If total.droplets is not specified, it will use the stored vector at crm$cellbender$total.droplets.

crm$saveCellbenderScript(file = "/apps/", 
                         fpr = 0.01, 
                         epochs = 150, 
                         use.gpu = TRUE,
                         total.droplets = droplets)

We can run this script in the terminal. Here, we activate the environment: conda activate cellbender and we run the bash script: sh /apps/


We can plot the changes in cell numbers following CellBender estimations.


We can plot the CellBender training results.


We can plot the cell probabilities.


We can plot the identified ambient genes per sample.

crm$plotCbAmbExp(cutoff = 0.005)

Lastly, we can plot the proportion of samples expressing ambient genes. We see that MALAT1 is identified as an ambient gene in all samples which is expected.

crm$plotCbAmbGenes(cutoff = 0.005, pal = grDevices::rainbow(17))

Then, we can add the filtered CMs to our object. Additionally, it is recommended to generate new summary metrics from the adjusted CMs which can then be plotted.

crm$cms <- NULL
crm$addCms(cellbender = T)
crm$detailed.metrics <- NULL


The implementation of SoupX uses the automated estimation of contamination and correction. Please note, SoupX depends on Seurat for import of data. Since this calculation takes several minutes, it is not run in this vignette.


Then, we can plot the corrections.


Then, we can add the SoupX adjusted CMs to our object. Additionally, it is recommended to generate new summary metrics from the adjusted CMs which can then be plotted.

crm$cms <- NULL
crm$addCms(cms = crm$soupx$cms.adj, 
           unique.names = TRUE, 
           sep = "!!")
## Warning in crm$addCms(cms = crm$soupx$cms.adj, unique.names = TRUE, sep = "!!"): Overwriting metadata
## Warning in crm$addCms(cms = crm$soupx$cms.adj, unique.names = TRUE, sep = "!!"): Consider updating detailed metrics by setting $detailed.metrics <- NULL and running $addDetailedMetrics().
## Warning in crm$addCms(cms = crm$soupx$cms.adj, unique.names = TRUE, sep = "!!"): Consider updating embedding by setting $cms.preprocessed <- NULL and $con <- NULL, and running $doPreprocessing() and $createEmbedding().
## Warning in crm$addCms(cms = crm$soupx$cms.adj, unique.names = TRUE, sep = "!!"): Consider updating doublet scores by setting $doublets <- NULL and running $detectDoublets().
## Warning in crm$addSummaryFromCms(): Overwriting existing summary metrics
crm$detailed.metrics <- NULL

Doublet detection

For doublet detection, we included the possibility to do so using the Python modules scrublet and DoubletDetection. Here, we use virtual environments where we installed each method.

scrublet is the default method, which is fast. DoubletDetection is significantly slower, but performs better according to this review. Here, we show how to run scrublet and DoubletDetection to compare in the next section. Since this takes some time, the results have been precalculated and are not run in this vignette.

crm$detectDoublets(env = "scrublet",
                   conda.path = "/opt/software/miniconda/4.12.0/condabin/conda",
                   method = "scrublet")
crm$detectDoublets(env = "doubletdetection",
                   conda.path = "/opt/software/miniconda/4.12.0/condabin/conda",
                   method = "doubletdetection")

It is also possible to generate a Python script to run each method from the terminal. To do this, set export = TRUE and run python <METHOD>.py inside the virtual environment to generate data. Then, load data with:


We can plot the estimated doublets in the embedding.

crm$plotEmbedding(doublet.method = "scrublet")
crm$plotEmbedding(doublet.method = "doubletdetection")

And we can plot the scores for the doublet estimations.

crm$plotEmbedding(doublet.method = "scrublet", 
                  doublet.scores = TRUE)
crm$plotEmbedding(doublet.method = "doubletdetection", 
                  doublet.scores = TRUE)

Differences between methods

We can compare how much scrublet and DoubletDetection overlap in their doublets estimates. First, let us plot a bar plot of the number of doublets per sample.

scrub.res <- crm$doublets$scrublet$result %>% 
  select(labels, sample) %>% 
  mutate(method = "scrublet")

dd.res <- crm$doublets$doubletdetection$result %>% 
  select(labels, sample) %>% 
  mutate(labels = as.logical(labels), 
         method = "DoubletDetection")

dd.res[] <- FALSE

plot.df <- rbind(scrub.res,
                 dd.res) %>% 
  filter(labels) %>% 
  group_by(sample, method) %>% 
  summarise(count = n())

ggplot(plot.df, aes(sample, count, fill = method)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge()) +
  crm$theme +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5)) +
  labs(x = "", y = "No. doublets", fill = "Method", title = "Doublets per sample") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = crm$pal)

We can also show the total number of doublets detected per method.

plot.df %>% 
  group_by(method) %>% 
  summarise(count = sum(count)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(method, count, fill = method)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  crm$theme +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  labs(x = "", y = "No. doublets", title = "Total doublets per method") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = crm$pal)

Finally, let’s plot an embedding showing the method-wise estimations as well as overlaps.

plot.vec <- data.frame(scrublet = scrub.res$labels %>% as.numeric(), 
                       doubletdetection = dd.res$labels %>% as.numeric()) %>% 
  apply(1, \(x) if (x[1] == 0 & x[2] == 0) "Kept" else if (x[1] > x[2]) "scrublet" else if (x[1] < x[2]) "DoubletDetection" else "Both") %>% 
  setNames(rownames(scrub.res)) %>% 
  factor(levels = c("Kept","scrublet","DoubletDetection","Both"))

crm$con$plotGraph(groups = plot.vec, 
                  mark.groups = FALSE, 
                  show.legend = TRUE, 
                  shuffle.colors = TRUE, 
                  title = "Doublets", 
                  size = 0.3) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("grey80","red","blue","black"))

Plot filtered cells

We can plot all the cells to be filtered in our embedding

crm$plotFilteredCells(type = "embedding", 
                      depth = TRUE, 
                      depth.cutoff = depth_cutoff_vec, 
                      doublet.method = "scrublet", 
                      mito.frac = TRUE, 
                      mito.cutoff = 0.05, 
                      species = "human")

And we can plot the cells to be filtered per sample where combination means a cell that has at least two filter labels, e.g. mito and depth.

crm$plotFilteredCells(type = "bar", 
                      doublet.method = "scrublet", 
                      depth = TRUE, 
                      depth.cutoff = depth_cutoff_vec, 
                      mito.frac = TRUE, 
                      mito.cutoff = 0.05, 
                      species = "human")

Finally, we can create a tile plot with an overview of sample quality for the different filters. NB, this is experimental and has not been validated across datasets.

crm$plotFilteredCells(type = "tile", 
                      doublet.method = "doubletdetection",
                      depth = TRUE, 
                      depth.cutoff = depth_cutoff_vec,
                      mito.frac = TRUE, 
                      mito.cutoff = 0.05, 
                      species = "human")

We can also extract the raw numbers for plotting in other ways than those included here <- crm$plotFilteredCells(type = "export") %>% head()

Filter count matrices

Finally, we can filter the count matrices to create a cleaned list to be used in downstream applications.

crm$filterCms(depth.cutoff = depth_cutoff_vec, 
              mito.cutoff = 0.05, 
              doublets = "scrublet",
     = NULL,
              species = "human",
              verbose = TRUE)
## Filtering based on: depth.cutoff = 2500; depth.cutoff = 2000; depth.cutoff = 1000; depth.cutoff = 1500; depth.cutoff = 1500; depth.cutoff = 2000; depth.cutoff = 2500; depth.cutoff = 2000; mito.cutoff = 0.05 and species = human; doublet method = scrublet
## 2023-07-06 15:56:04 Preparing filter
## 2023-07-06 15:56:07 Removing 6158 of 45117 cells (13.6%)

The filtered list of count matrices is stored in $cms.filtered which can be saved on disk afterwards.

qs::qsave(crm$cms.filtered, "/data/ExtData/CRMetrics_testdata/cms_filtered.qs", 
      nthreads = 10)
## R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.8 (Ootpa)
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib64/
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] dplyr_1.0.10    magrittr_2.0.3  CRMetrics_0.3.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##   [1] drat_0.2.3               Rtsne_0.16               ggbeeswarm_0.7.1        
##   [4] colorspace_2.1-0         ggsignif_0.6.4           rjson_0.2.21            
##   [7] ellipsis_0.3.2           dendsort_0.3.4           circlize_0.4.15         
##  [10] GlobalOptions_0.1.2      clue_0.3-64              rstudioapi_0.14         
##  [13] ggpubr_0.5.0             MatrixModels_0.5-1       urltools_1.7.3          
##  [16] conos_1.5.0              ggrepel_0.9.3            fansi_1.0.4             
##  [19] codetools_0.2-18         splines_4.2.2            R.methodsS3_1.8.2       
##  [22] sparseMatrixStats_1.10.0 doParallel_1.0.17        cachem_1.0.7            
##  [25] knitr_1.42               jsonlite_1.8.4           broom_1.0.1             
##  [28] cluster_2.1.4            png_0.1-8                R.oo_1.25.0             
##  [31] compiler_4.2.2           backports_1.4.1          assertthat_0.2.1        
##  [34] Matrix_1.5-3             fastmap_1.1.1            cli_3.6.1               
##  [37] htmltools_0.5.4          quantreg_5.94            tools_4.2.2             
##  [40] igraph_1.4.2             gtable_0.3.3             glue_1.6.2              
##  [43] Rcpp_1.0.10              carData_3.0-5            jquerylib_0.1.4         
##  [46] vctrs_0.5.1              nlme_3.1-160             iterators_1.0.14        
##  [49] sccore_1.0.3             xfun_0.39                lifecycle_1.0.3         
##  [52] irlba_2.3.5.1            rstatix_0.7.1            MASS_7.3-58.1           
##  [55] scales_1.2.1             MatrixGenerics_1.10.0    parallel_4.2.2          
##  [58] SparseM_1.81             RColorBrewer_1.1-3       qs_0.25.4               
##  [61] ComplexHeatmap_2.14.0    yaml_2.3.7               gridExtra_2.3           
##  [64] ggplot2_3.4.2            ggpmisc_0.5.1            sass_0.4.5              
##  [67] triebeard_0.3.0          Rook_1.2                 S4Vectors_0.36.1        
##  [70] foreach_1.5.2            BiocGenerics_0.44.0      ggpp_0.5.0              
##  [73] shape_1.4.6              rlang_1.1.0              pkgconfig_2.0.3         
##  [76] matrixStats_0.63.0       RMTstat_0.3.1            evaluate_0.20           
##  [79] lattice_0.20-45          N2R_1.0.1                purrr_1.0.1             
##  [82] pagoda2_1.0.10           leidenAlg_1.0.5          cowplot_1.1.1           
##  [85] tidyselect_1.2.0         R6_2.5.1                 IRanges_2.32.0          
##  [88] generics_0.1.3           DBI_1.1.3                pillar_1.9.0            
##  [91] withr_2.5.0              mgcv_1.8-41              survival_3.4-0          
##  [94] abind_1.4-5              tibble_3.2.1             crayon_1.5.2            
##  [97] car_3.1-1                utf8_1.2.3               RApiSerialize_0.1.2     
## [100] rmarkdown_2.21           GetoptLong_1.0.5         grid_4.2.2              
## [103] digest_0.6.31            tidyr_1.2.1              brew_1.0-8              
## [106] R.utils_2.12.2           RcppParallel_5.1.5       stats4_4.2.2            
## [109] munsell_0.5.0            stringfish_0.15.7        beeswarm_0.4.0          
## [112] vipor_0.4.5              bslib_0.4.2